Friday, December 14, 2007

Books to read

Keen to read some good books? On the business side, a book I found really good was "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. He really makes a lot of sense and challenges some of the conventionally held views on making money. The theme he takes in the concept of generating passive income, that requires very little work once it has started. Rental income is an example of passive income, as once it is set up and the money starts flowing it requires you spending little time in order to maintain that income stream.

He is more focused on cashflow rather than capital growth and suggests that you focus on ensuring you cashflow grows. He also challenges the general belief that the house you live in and own is your greatest assest and suggests it is rather your greatest liability as it does not generate income. Hence the big distinction between assests and revenue generating assets. He also challenges the value that some financial advisors can provide suggesting that you should ask them whether they are living off their investments rather than their salaries and if not ask them why not? This book certainly gets the juices flowing and makes you look at financial planning differently.

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